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    Fun Size Trending Topics September 23, 2021. His Name? St. Dangerous Of Course CD929

CD 92.9 FM Account Executive

Do you have great ideas?  Do you wish you could sell your ideas?  If so, then you might be our next rock star sales account executive!

CD 92.9 FM account executives are extraordinarily talented people who are passionate, insightful, creative, ambitious, competitive, cooperative, and fearless. Account executives use sales strategies to develop new business and to retain existing accounts.  Account executives generate insightful solutions for our clients and must be able to effectively communicate those solutions.  Account executives must meet and exceed goals and must be able to work in a fast-paced environment.
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CD 92.9 FM Sales Intern

CD 92.9 FM is looking for the perfect Sales Intern to assist our rock star Sales Team.  Interested in gaining valuable experience in radio sales and hoping to pursue it as a career?  Read on to see if you’d be interested in learning more about working in sales at CD 92.9 FM!
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CD 92.9 FM Scene Team

CD 92.9 FM is looking for Scene Team Interns.  If you have an outgoing personality, a flexible schedule, and a strong work ethic, then you might be the right person to join the Scene Team!

We are looking for hard-working, ambitious college students who are willing to learn all about promotions and events in a fast-paced, exciting, and unique environment.  You’ll also have the chance to learn more about programming and other aspects of the radio station.
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